11 Nov, 2021

Why Girls Should Learn to Code?

Who says coding is just for boys? Girls can do it, too! And some female coders may even be better than their male counterparts! With all the clamour for gender equality, it has become more important than ever to teach girls how to code. 

Despite the noticeable drop in the number of women who engage in Science, Technology, and Engineering for the past 20 years, now is the best time for girls to embrace tech. 

Coding is not really something new for women. In fact, there are many things that were developed by female coders. However, coding still remains less popular among most girls across the world. 

What they don’t realize is that there are a lot of good reasons why girls should learn how to code, and some of these are following:

Coding Abolishes Salary Gap 

The latest studies revealed that the STEM fields make up the top 10 highest paying courses in college. It was also discovered that both female and male coders earned the same amount of pay a year after their graduation.

This is one of the reasons why encouraging girls to learn coding can increase their chances to land job positions with better pay. It has also been concluded that women with STEM-related jobs earned more compared to those men and other women whose jobs don’t have anything to do with STEM. 

Ultimately, the financial benefits that coding has to offer will lower or even eliminate the common pay gap between women and men. At the same, it also gives a significant boost to the salary of average women. 

Coding Helps Girls Improve Academic Performance and Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is what coding is all about. This is why teaching girls how to code can help them do and perform better in different subjects such as mathematics, writing, science, and more. 

The sequence of computer programming starts with a beginning, a mid-section, and a definitive end. There is also a unique language used in coding where all alphabetical orders represent specific formulas. 

The coding process as a whole can help girls hone their skills in the English language and at the same time, make them visualize abstract concepts. This also allows them to apply different mathematical problems to various real-life situations. 

Coding Lets Girls Stay on Top of the Game 

The modern technologically driven world shapes how people will interact and live in the near future.  People with exceptional computer literacy are poised to achieve success in this era compared to those who don’t have any grasp of the subject. 

Right now, programming is essential for all industries, from video games, cars and airplanes to space exploration, and medicine. This makes it even more necessary to teach girls how to code. 

Coding Opens a Whole New World of Opportunities for Girls

Women make up a large part of all purchase decisions in the world. This is why products and applications used by women must start bringing in more female product designers on board and put their perspectives to good use. Coding can equip girls with the necessary skills and knowledge to develop apps and websites that will cater to the different global needs. 

Now is the best time for girls to learn how to code as this will not only benefit them but also the world as a whole.